Lafayette Industries is a non-profit organization operating two facilities in St. Louis County – in Manchester and Berkeley, MO. Our mission is to provide fulltime, longterm jobs in the packaging industry for adults with developmental disabilities. 


How old does an individual need to be to be considered for employment at Lafayette? 

Individuals must be at least 18 or older. However, most employees start after completing the SSD Program at 21 years old. 


Is experience required? 

No.  However, most have completed job skills training or attended a transition program through the SSD.


Is this a full-time, long-term employment?

Yes. Employees at Lafayette West work Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; Employees at Lafayette North work Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 2:00 p; and 40% of our employees have been with us for 10 to 30 years.


What type of work is performed?

Jobs range from single motion, such as placing items in bags, to more complex, such as running a shrink-wrap machine. 


How is a workers’ pay determined?

Wages are paid based upon the percentage of work accomplished by the employee in relationship to the established industrial standard for that job (commensurate wage).   


Why are employees paid sub minimum wages and at different pay rates?

Section 14 ( C ) of the Fair Labor Stardards Act authorizes Lafayette Industries to employ workers with disabilities at special minimum wages when their disabilities impair their productivity and earning capacity for the work being performed. 


What types of work do employees perform?

Jobs range from single-motion tasks, like putting items into poly bags, to more involved task like running a shrink wrapping machine.  Because of a broad range of work, Lafayette can provide repetitive tasks for employees who require more of a routine or provide a variety of tasks for employees that can handle the challenge.  


Is there a waiting list of job applicants?

Yes.  However, don’t let that discourage you!


Do employees receive benefits?

Yes. Lafayette offers paid holidays, paid vacation and a retirement plan.


Can an employee work part time? 

All employees are hired for a full-time position.  However, if there are extenuating circumstances, consideration is given on a case-by-case basis to determine an appropriate schedule.  All part time schedules must be approved by the Director of Programs.


What types of programs or resources are available for employees during their workday? 

On-going training for all employees is provided with emphasis on key core values such as Work, Safety, and Respect.  The goal of the Positive Behavior Support Program is to maintain or increase employment skills. Short term-targeted training supports are also available to those with a demonstrate need or desire.


Does Lafayette provide transportation for its employees?

No. Transportation services may be accessed through partner agencies or public transportation providers.